Thursday, October 20, 2011

Shoreditch Vintage Fair

Here I am, after more than a month, back from another Vintage Market. The Vintage Fair more than a mere market is a travelling vintage fair that every week visit the major cities in UK. 
Last Sunday it was in London, at Shoreditch Town Hall. It was a bright sunny day, pretty warm compared to how cold it is now so with my 50s summer dress on -and a promise to my self that I wouldn't spend more than 40-50 pounds-I went to shoreditch. I skipped breakfast as I knew there was a tea/cupcakes room so first thing I did was getting a cup of tea and a lovely cupcake before browsing among the stalls. 
By the time I got to the main hall the place was already quite busy but I could easily browse among the 50 stalls or so. Not only clothes and accessories but also homeware and crafts. I was a good girl and I got for 20£ a 70s white uber-jumper that I am already using a lot these chilly days and for 15£ a 60s dress that is at least one size too big and a few funny plastic rings for 2£ each. 
Next appointment Saturday 29th for the Pick'n Mix in Brick Lane. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Broadway Market

Definitely one of my favourite markets so far! On a saturday morning, take the tube to Bethnal Green, then it is just a 15 mins walk along Cambridge Heath road and then left, along Regent's Canal until the lovely Broadway market shows itself. It is a true little gem, food stalls (the lovely smell of roast chicken, bread or cupcakes will blow your mind away), together with vintage clothes, arts and crafts and also a couple of book stalls (one with photography books which had me for at least half an hour). And street musicians. And nice cafès and shops and restaurants (tried Buen Ayre the previous night  - an Argentinian steak house. Fantastic but not for the vegetarian though!) Broadway market runs along a road and has a nice, friendly atmosphere, it's really like a street party and it makes you wanna spend all day and evening there. You cannot miss it!

Decisamente uno dei miei preferiti fino ad ora! Un sabato mattina, prendete la metro fino a Bethnal Green poi è una passeggiata di 15 minuti lungo Cambridge Heath road,  a sinistra lungo il Regent's Canal ed ecco Broadway Market a pochi minuti di distanza. Una vera piccola gemma, con bancarelle di cibo (l'aroma celestiale del pollo arrosto, il pane appena sfornato, i cupcakes, vi faranno impazzire..), vintage, artigianato e un paio di bancarelle di libri (una specializzata in fotografia dove sono rimasta almeno mezz'ora). E poi musicisti e deliziosi caffè e ristoranti (ho provato il Buen Ayre, cucina argentina, fantastica, non per vegetariani però..) lungo la strada e una bellissima atmosfera, un pò come una festa di strada, che fa venire voglia di restarci fino a sera inoltrata. Non perdetevelo!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Greenwich Market

Here's a little jewel of a market I hadn't had the chance to see yet. Just 5 minutes by train from London Bridge (but if you like you can get there by river boat from Embankment Pier, quite a nice journey, believe me!) and you are in Greenwich. Go and see the observatory of course if you have never been here before but after or before it go and have a look at the market. Actually it's 2 different market, one next to the cinema on Greenwich High Road, the Clock Tower Market, with antique and vintage and another one ( the Greenwich Market) with arts and crafts, collectibles and food to go in a covered area in the heart of Greenwich Village, surrounded by a few lovely shops, galleries, pubs and cafes.
What did I get this time? 2 necklaces for 1£ each at the Clock Tower Market and -letting out the 12-years-old girl in me - a jar of beads to make my own jewels for 10 pounds. And I was offered a free neck massage too. I am still wondering why did I say  no!

Ecco un gioiellino che non avevo ancora avuto modo di visitare. Appena 5 minuti di treno da London Bridge (ma anche in traghetto, da Embankment Pier, un viaggio piacevolissimo, davvero!) e siete a Greenwich. Se è la prima volta andate a visitare l'Osservatorio naturalmente ma prima o dopo date un'occhiata al mercato. A dire la verità si tratta di due diversi mercati, uno di fianco al cinema, su Greenwich High Road, con antiquariato e vintage e un altro (il vero e proprio Greenwich Market), con artigianato, oggettistica varia e cibo, in un'area coperta nel cuore di Greenwich , circondato da deliziosi negozi artigianali, piccole gallerie d'arte, pub e bar.
Cosa ho comprato stavolta? Ho liberato la dodicenne in me e ho acquistato un barattolo di perline colorate per farmi i miei gioielli per 10 sterline. E mi è stato offerto un massaggio al collo gratis. Mi sto ancora chiedendo perchè ho detto no..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Columbia Road Flower Market

Next Sunday, if you are in London and it is sunny (it CAN happen!) try to get up early, hit the tube to the East End (closest tube stop Bethnal Green I believe, 10-15 minutes walking) and walk to Columbia Road flower market, you won't be disappointed. 
The street turns into a sea of foliage and flowers, everything from house plants, to palm trees are there for you to grab while you walk in the (crowded) road among the stalls, the air is filled with the scent of flowers and the chant (or shouts?) of the barrow boys. And everything is cheaper than in the cheapest flower shop you might have been to!
Columbia road is flower and music and lovely little shops too: small art galleries, vintage clothes, crockery and garden and almost every Sunday you can catch up with amazing musician playink skiffle in the street. 
When you think you are overwhelmed enough with flowers and "Everythin' a fiver" -but not with markets- you can walk to Brick Lane: it is only 10 minutes from here

Domenica prossima, se siete a Londra e c'è il sole (può succedere!) provate ad alzarvi presto, prendere la metro verso l'East End (la fermata della metro più vicina è Bethnal Green, credo, 10-15 minuti a piedi) e passeggiate verso il Columbia Road Flower Market, non sarete delusi!
La strada si trasforma in un mare di fogliame e fiori, tutto, dalle piante da appartamento alle palme sono lì per essere colte da voi mentre camminate nell'affollata via tra gli stalls. L'aria è satura del profumo dei fiori e delle cantilene (urlate) dei venditori ambulanti. E tutto costa meno del più economico negozio di fiori in cui siate stati (quanto meno a Londra!).
Columbia road è fiori e musica e deliziosi minuscoli negozi: piccole gallerie d'arte, abiti vintage, vasellame e accessori per giardini e, quasi ogni domenica, ci sono bravissimi musicisti che suonano skiffle sul ciglio della strada.
Quando ritenete di essere abbastanza sopraffatti da fiori e urla di "Everythin'a fiver" (tutto a 5 pounds), ma non dai mercati, dirigetevi verso Brick Lane: è solo a 10 minuti da qui!